Neo Soul Arcade Jam + Patreon

I finally launched a Patreon account!

If you’re unfamiliar with it, Patreon is a platform that let’s you support an artist/creator on a continuous basis with as little as $1 per creation. In my case, I created it to hopefully monetize my YouTube videos. These days I spend most of my time and energy creating videos but unfortunately make almost no money for them. With your support, I can hopefully keep creating content for you on a regular basis and still pay my bills. :)

Let me add that I know these are difficult times for most people and totally understand if you can’t chip in. But if you are interested in checking it out, this is the link:

I’m offering a high quality download of every track I post on YouTube to my patrons, and will keep adding more patron-exclusive content in the future.

Here’s my Patreon launch video, with a little Neo Soul jam: